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Wholesale of agricultural crops

The company carries out the purchase and sale of agricultural crops. Suppliers of agricultural raw materials are farmers and agricultural holdings in the Siberian region.

Acceptance of incoming raw materials is carried out in accordance with GOSTs for the corresponding type of crops.

The acceptance process begins with sampling from a car or railway transport and the formation of an average sample (at least 2 kg), the following are determined on the sample:
organoleptic indicators: color, smell, weed, grain impurities, pest infestation of grain stocks.
physical and chemical indicators: humidity, mass fraction of crude protein, mass fraction of crude fat, mass fraction of crude fiber using laboratory equipment (Infrascan 3150, SESh-3M).

After conducting express analyzes, the obtained data are controlled by:
the main method for determining the mass fraction of crude protein according to "Keldal"
by the method of determining the mass fraction of fat according to the "Fat-free residue".

In the event of disputes regarding the quality of incoming raw materials, a commission is used to re-take samples and transfer them to an independent accredited laboratory.

Incoming raw materials that do not meet the internal requirements and indicators specified in the contract are not allowed for processing.